5 Days of Global Goodies: Birthday Edition

Ooops.  My 5 days were interrupted with the celebrating of this one’s birthday:

Bday Pina

Now, back to the global goodies!  Since it’s a birthday week, today’s featured treats are celebratory.  Not all are sweet but they are all eaten on that special day that only comes once a year.

In China, Yi mein noodles, also called longevity noodles, are eaten in hopes of living a long life.

They’re followed by longevity peach buns, a peach-shaped pastry filled with custard or red bean paste.


For the kiddies in Australia, parents make fairy bread.  It’s sliced white bread topped with butter and sprinkles.


Towers are the dish of choice in Scandinavia.  Their Kransekake is an 18-layer doughy cake made of almond rings.  Its decorations are often patriotic and festive.

In Brazil, Brigadeiros are a must.  They’re petit sweets made of chocolate, condensed milk and butter.

But let’s not forget…

And many moooore!

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